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Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Ball Is Now In Our Court

After last night's task force meeting, we now have some more clarity on how we are going to put together a plan that will end up being Roberts Stadium's new lease on life.

As usual, I am thoroughly satisfied with the way things are going, and my confidence in Roberts Stadium emerging from the previous administration's fiasco is at an all-time high. Before I dive into what the next steps are for the Save Roberts Stadium movement, I want to first send out a few thank yous.

- I would like to thank Chief of Staff Director Steve Schaeffer who has made this whole process as simple and friendly as it can be. As someone who has had to fight against the will of many politicians for Roberts Stadium, words cannot express how grateful I am to Steve for getting everything lined up for us to do our job.

Steve has made sure the windows at Roberts Stadium were clean from all graffiti before the public toured Roberts Stadium. Steve has made sure that we have access to the building any time we need to view it up close to get an idea of what kind of space we're dealing with. Steve has stepped up to the plate to make sure that everyone realizes that the Ford Center's TIF bonds DO NOT stipulate that we cannot have seats in another venue. Lastly, Steve has made sure that we got a fair trial for Roberts Stadium by lining up the best and brighest of the Winnecke administration to work with us.

Unfortunately, it's looking more and more like Steve will be headed to Terre Haute where he will take over the reigns of their chamber of commerce. I have never been one to let Evansville's brain drain get me down but with the departures of Mizell Stewart, Joe Wallace, and now Steve, I am at that point. Nonetheless, thank you Steve for all that you have done for our 56 year old community icon.

- I would like to thank Dave Coker whose speech sumed up what I have been saying for almost 18 months now- that there are a lot of politicians who have lost their job because of the way they have misrepresented Roberts Stadium. Mr. Coker also went on to say that he doesn't believe Roberts Stadium is getting a fair shake from the media and that we need to do something about getting the public to see the true condition of Roberts Stadium.

I couldn't have said it any better than how Mr. Coker said it last night. There is no reason for our local political leaders to do to Roberts Stadium what they have done to it. There's also no reason why some media outlets have chosen to portray Roberts Stadium as an arena on its last leg. Like I have been doing the past 18 months, I am thoroughly committed to defeating the naysayers in our community whose only goal is to seek and destroy any pride, hope, or vision we may have for our city. Thank you Dave Coker!

- I know I've said it before but I'm going to say it again- thank you Mr. Larry Steenberg for your leadership on this project. What I like best about Larry is the open and friendly mindset he has. I feel like I can genuinely talk to him about what I'm trying to do for Roberts Stadium and he will genuinely listen and give an effort to see if the path is worth evaluating. In the business and political world, it seems like we are almost always stuck with people who we can't stand and don't want to deal with because of their enormous egos. Mr. Steenberg is 180 degrees different than that. Thank you Larry Steenberg!

As for the meeting, we now have it set up where we are going to have a strong and legitimate shot at putting together a plan for Roberts Stadium. How is this going to work?

First, Larry Steenberg broke down all of the ideas (over 600 of them) into "silos." These silos are the following...

1. Extreme Sports and Water Parks
2. Green Space
3. Entertainment Sports and Events
4. Ideas designed to specifically save Roberts Stadium
5. Ideas designed to specifically demolish Roberts Stadium
6. Misc Ideas

Silos 4,5,6 have been mixed in with the above 3 which are our subcommittees. Obviously, I am in group #3. I am joined by subcommittee leader Jeff Justice, Greg Stilwell, and Councilman Jonathan Weaver. Although these three task force members are probably cussing up a storm that they drew the small straw of being in my group, I couldn't be any happier with the draw we got.

At first, I was kind of hesitant about the groups being broken down due to the fact that I would like to draw up a comprehensive plan where all three groups are happy. Luckily, I have been told that my subcommittee is allowed to draw up a comprehensive proposal for the land which makes this even better.

Therefore, I can give my opinion on how the green space and extreme sports subcommittees can fit into Roberts Stadium itself and the surrounding lot without compromising Roberts Stadium and I don't have to deal with those ideas personally. Those who specialize in extreme sports can put together that aspect of it, those who want green space can draw up their plan, and I can help my group finish off the mid-sized arena plan that I have been advocating for some time now. Then, I can lobby to put the whole entire package together like a jigsaw puzzle which is what any city that values good urban planning does.

With all of that being said, tomorrow is the beginining of my subcommittee's first meeting. At this meeting we are going to make a list of who we need to talk to for this plan. Those who have read this blog know exactly what investor(s) and organizations I'm heading for myself to complete this project. I will look through the packet of ideas that were given to us by the citizens (thank you Ella Johnson for your hardwork in compiling all of them) and I will tie up the loose ends with the investors I have already rounded up for this project.

Amazingly enough, there are still naysayers in this community who don't believe we will pull this off. They still believe that we will fall flat on our face. They don't think we have the drive, the toughness, the financial logic, and/or the will power to deliver a new Roberts Stadium to the citizens of Evansville.

For these reasons, it is very important to realize that we have been given by Mayor Winnecke one shot at pulling this off. This opportunity only comes once in a lifetime. We cannot afford to miss this opportunity to rise to the occasion...

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