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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today's Vote is Disappointing but NOT the End!

Today, the Evansville Parks Board voted to approve the proposed baseball complex on the site of Roberts Stadium. While this vote is certainly disappointing to say the least, it certainly does not mean that we have lost the battle. The plan still must go through the city and county councils before final approval and that is where the battle will be won or lost.

To be honest, I have never really had any hopes that this vote would be any different than it was, and quite frankly, I have never really worried about it. The battle to save Roberts Stadium will be played out in front of the local councils and that is where we need to get the word out. It is imperative that you contact your local council members as well as the mayor. I have provided the contact information on the right hand side of this blog.

Our generation will be the one that will make the decision to save historic and legendary Roberts Stadium or to simply relegate it to the past with the Old Sterling Brewery, the Robert Orr building, and the Old L&N Depot. Thus, I would really appreciate it if you would take just a few mins out of your time to send an email and/or letter to city officials tonight.

I also want to stress that we have a golden opportunity to build a quality baseball complex next to Garvin Park, which would draw Coney Island-like development as well as bring people down to our Piegon Creek Greenway. We also have the opportunity to draw up 8 quality fields that replicate old ballparks like the Polo Grounds, Tiger Stadium, and Ebbets Field instead of building 8 regular ball fields in an ordinary, land locked complex next to Wesselman Woods.

The time to act is now. We must save Roberts Stadium!

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